Annotated Bibliography

Encyclopedia of Occultism and Parapsychology. . Encyclopedia.Com. 16 May. 2024Encyclopedia.Com,, 19 May 2020,

  • The Encyclopedia of Occultism and Parapsychology entry on the Amityville Horror provides a detailed account of the infamous paranormal case. The intended audience is likely enthusiasts of the occult and paranormal, as well as researchers, given the detailed, academic tone and comprehensive content. The credibility is bolstered by its publication on, a reputable source, but it may carry some bias toward validating paranormal phenomena. I will use this text to provide background and context on the Amityville Horror in my paper. I am curious about the differing perspectives on the case’s authenticity and any new evidence or investigations since its publication. I am somewhat skeptical of the paranormal claims, given the controversies and debunking efforts surrounding the case.


Dickey, Colin. Ghostland: An American history in haunted places. Penguin, 2016

  • Colin Dickey’s “Ghostland: An American History in Haunted Places” explores the cultural and historical contexts of haunted sites across the United States, using ghost stories as a lens to examine broader social issues. The book targets readers interested in history, sociology, and the supernatural, evidenced by its detailed research and engaging narrative style. Dickey’s credibility is bolstered by thorough documentation and a balanced approach, although his focus on sociocultural analysis might introduce interpretive bias. I’ll use this text to highlight how folklore reflects societal anxieties and historical memory. I’m curious about other lesser-known haunted sites and their cultural significance. While Dickey’s interpretations are compelling, I am cautious of his occasional speculative connections, which might overreach in linking ghost stories to broader historical trends.

Göritz, Anja S., and Jörg Schumacher. “The WWW as a research medium: An illustrative survey on paranormal belief.” Perceptual and Motor Skills 90.3_suppl (2000): 1195-1206.

  • Göritz and Schumacher’s study explores the efficacy of the World Wide Web as a research medium through a survey on paranormal belief, highlighting its benefits and limitations. The audience is likely academics and researchers, given the publication in Perceptual and Motor Skills, and the technical language used. The authors appear credible, with their detailed methodological discussion and acknowledgment of potential biases, such as sample bias. I plan to use this text to support research. I’m curious about how and this can be proven to be useful in terms of paranormal activity. 







Gnanaolivu, Smitha D., et al. “Medicine, black magic and supernatural beings: Cultural rituals as a significant threat to slender lorises in India.” People and Nature 4.4 (2022): 




  • The article by Gnanaolivu et al. discusses the impact of cultural rituals involving medicine, black magic, and beliefs in supernatural beings on slender lorises in India. The audience appears to be academics and professionals in conservation biology and anthropology, evidenced by the publication in People and Nature, the detailed analysis, and the scholarly language used. The authors’ credibility is shown by their academic affiliations and the peer-reviewed nature of the journal, though potential bias could arise from their conservationist perspective. This text will be useful in my paper to illustrate the intersection of cultural practices and wildlife conservation challenges. After reading, I am curious about potential solutions to mitigate these cultural threats. I am skeptical about the extent to which black magic practices alone endanger the species, wondering if other factors might also play significant roles


RealTalk EP.24 Ft. @ijayalani on Ghosts, Black Magic, Exorcism & Paranormal Investigations.” YouTube, 18 Dec. 2022,

  • The main ideas of “RealTalk EP.24 Ft. @ijayalani on Ghosts, Black Magic, Exorcism & Paranormal Investigations” revolve around personal experiences and beliefs in the paranormal, discussing ghosts, black magic, and exorcisms. The audience likely consists of individuals interested in the supernatural, evidenced by the niche topic. The speaker’s credibility appears based on personal experiences rather than empirical evidence, suggesting potential bias towards believing in the paranormal. I’ll use this text in my paper to illustrate contemporary public engagement with paranormal topics. After watching, I’m curious about the psychological and cultural factors influencing such beliefs. I am doubtful about the anecdotal nature of the claims, as they lack scientific validation, but they provide insight into popular paranormal narratives.


Sayad, Cecilia. The Ghost in the Image – Cecilia Sayad – Oxford University Press, 2023,

  • Cecilia Sayad’s The Ghost in the Image delves into the intersection of film, media, and the supernatural, exploring how ghostly representations in media reflect broader cultural anxieties and fascinations. The target audience likely includes scholars and students of film studies, media studies, and cultural studies, evidenced by its publication by Oxford University Press and its analytical, academic language. Sayad’s credibility is supported by her academic background and previous publications, though her focus on the supernatural may suggest a bias towards interpreting media through this lens. I plan to use this text to understand how media representations of the paranormal influence societal beliefs. I am curious about the specific methodologies used in her analysis. I am somewhat skeptical about the extent to which she may attribute cultural phenomena solely to media representations without considering other factors.


This Real Story of Black Magic Will Shock You Ft. Kushal: RealHit.” YouTube, 8 Nov. 2023, Accessed 18 May 2024. 

  • The video “This Real Story of Black Magic Will Shock You Ft. Kushal: RealHit” on YouTube targets an audience interested in paranormal activities, horror stories, and supernatural phenomena, evident from its sensational title and dramatic presentation. The content uses compelling anecdotes and a conversational tone, likely appealing to a younger audience seeking thrilling narratives. The author’s credibility appears limited, as they are only saying this from their personal experiences. The lack of verifiable sources suggest a bias towards sensationalism. I will use this text in my paper to illustrate contemporary representations of black magic in popular media and the impact of such narratives on public perception. However, I remain curious about the factual basis of the stories and would question their authenticity. I am doubtful of the accuracy and objectivity of the claims presented.